Emotional intelligence (EI) is a combination of self-management and social skills that can transform and optimize individual or team performance. Emotional intelligence is the ability to better attune oneself with one’s feelings
Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) is relevant to organizational development and developing people, because EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence Quotient finds relevance in all the functions of an organization be it human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, etc. › How to build constructive thinking patterns to facilitate goal achievement.
It is not only the intelligence quotient that makes the world go round. Attaining the right emotional intelligence helps one to remain standing strong even when the world keeps going around.
Many people do not have emotional intelligence because they have a difficulty expressing what they feel or understanding their feelings in the first place. But unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can be developed over a period of time
The first step in attaining emotional intelligence is in becoming emotionally literate. One should know his/her feeling and what’s causing it rather than blaming certain people or certain situations. The second step is to differentiate one’s thoughts from one’s feelings. As thoughts does not play any role in attaining emotional intelligence, rather it the feelings. One should prevent thoughts from dictating what one should or shouldn’t t feel. Feelings come from within and are stimulated by a person or a circumstance. It cannot be dictated, it just appears.
One great characteristic of people who have attained emotional intelligence is that they are responsible for what they feel and they use these feelings to help them make wise decisions. Knowing and understanding your own feelings is different from understanding the feelings of others, but both have to work together. In order for you to attain emotional intelligence, you have to understand what other people are feeling and respect them for it.
People who have attained emotional intelligence know how to give regard to other people’s feelings and listen to what’s evoking those feelings.
Try to avoid people who are negative towards you, give your emotional intelligence room to grow and develop by surrounding yourself with positive people willing to support you.
Image source: Shadesofsucess.com