Though I’m yet to understand fashion but I believe that, fashion will always be in evolving stage. I’m not at all a fashion freak but also not averse to fashion as I believe that change is inevitable. One has to dress and carry oneself as per time, situation and trends. …..
Make up is something for which I couldn't open myself; to accept makeup the way I accepted fashion to some extent, thought makeup is a domain of fairer sex and not much to do with the masculine, but still I believe that by putting makeup one is trying to hide himself behind the curtains, one is projecting oneself what he is not in reality. But the fact is that one can pretend to appear something else but can't for too long.
One wants to look more beautiful than the reality, but beauty is not only about the color of eyes, long eyelashes, rosy lips, figure and hair colors. These are mere the attributes of the body. Beauty is something which is inside and one need to be beautiful from heart. Beauty has different meaning for different people and it is a person perspective that is looking towards it. And as said earlier they are attributes and that’s the reason every person thinks beauty in his own way.
Beauty i.e. Look beautiful is awareness created by media and conceived by beauty products and cosmetics industry. The industry promotes the idea of “Look beautiful” as they want to sell their products; they try to register that one needs to be beautiful, to be successful and to look beautiful they need to buy their products. Since the definition of beauty is defined by different attributes, any change in attributes; the product positioning also changes and companies promote new products to the customers.
Makeup has covered our original faces and we have forgotten what we are actually. Beauty comes from within, one is as beautiful as is heart and soul is.