I have certain equation to execute and proposition to equate. I’m looking for underwriters who guarantee financial obligation which surfaced during the course of acquiring an asset. Nature and type of asset I’m not disclosing now, but for hypothesis and understanding I will consider Yacht (a recreational or sailing boat) as the asset.
Intention of taking Yacht as an example being that I strongly believe that “Sail not the wind decide the way we go”
Equations at this level being
Global Indicators: Globally it is felt that financial equations will smoothen in coming years as there is no room left for further deterioration.
National Indicators: Interest rate will dilute and economy will revive.
General Sentiments: People will invest in appreciating assets as during the economy revival the big ticket items appreciate at a faster rate. Example large cap vs. / small caps stocks.
I have a commitment to buy an asset with a base price of 2.4 million to which there is attached additional attached of 10%, which contributes to cost of acquiring the asset, holding, creating and maintenance. The total final cost of Yacht comes down to 2.65 million, of which payments of .4 million has been already made. Remaining amount has to be settled in one go or in parts.
During last one year this asset has appreciated by 26% and the base price stands to be 3 million as per current market valuation. As the asset is appreciating I’m happy with the returns but at the same time don’t want to stop here and wait till this investment has fully ripen and yield returns; instead I want to diversify myself in multiple such assets backed up by underwriters as I believe that resources are limited and If one wants to trade in multiple assets without backups it becomes close to impossible.
The equation is that I convert my asset valued at base price of 24 million to shares of face value 10 INR, held privately among the partners. As the shares are privately held and are in physical format they can be traded within the partners, they can be also traded with future partners and investors but can’t be traded on the bourses.
Anyone purchasing shares at the face value has the profit of 25% at the very first day as the current valuation of the assets emerges to 3 million, though the market valuation is governed by various external factors but all the factors inclusively adds to the valuation of the asset.
Everyone have the exclusive right to sell but promoter posses selective rights to buy and exclusive rights to recall. In case promoter is approached by a buyer who agrees to buy the entire shares, the shares will be recalled from other buyers and profit will be shared based on the share holding pattern.
Does it sounds interesting, please contact me for further details.
Image source: mubasher.info
Image source: mubasher.info