In my earlier post “ROI Advertisement” I have elaborated the ways and means to track the advertisement. Now days email marketing is emerging as a cheap and convenient way to stay connected with the customer and to promote the product & services (the obvious reason being the high cost of print and broadcast marketing and there limited reach)
When any of the process of methodology is in nascent stage we hardly talk of effectiveness and efficiency but as the time passes we put efficiency and effectiveness clause in the counting.
You might be wondering as if how to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of email marketing process.
An Email marketing campaign as process can be gauged on the below clause for measuring efficiency.
- The % of emails delivered out of the total email executed
- The minimum time duration in which email can be executed.
- The % of email read by the end users (ensures that mails were delivered in there inboxes and not in junk mail; email can be tracked for opened/ not opened even for the accounts in hotmail, yahoo etc. though they do not allow any build in feature where the users can send a read receipt. Readt ROI Advertisement)
- The % of email bounced with categorized reason like inbox full, blocked at the gateway etc
An Email marketing campaign as process can be gauged on the below clause for measuring Effectiveness.
- The % of email read by the end users. Email marketing campaign considered as effective when the number of email opened/ read is very high; indicating that the subject line was effective and forced the recipient to open the email.
- The % of user replied or took any action in the mail like clicking the link, button etc.
- Last but not the least the % of goal achieved for which the email marketing campaign was targeted for.
I will also elaborate measures to increase efficiency and effectiveness of email marketing; so keep visiting…..
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