- Terrorism: Terrorism has been a set back factor for so many years and not resolved till date there must be some way out to solve the issue, I don’t know but probably it can be solved through dialogues and an amicable solution can be derived.
- Employment: After the downturn major of the working professional suffered an economic set back in terms of increments, package and growth and some of them even lost there jobs. The professionals who lost there job are still not able to grab a good job till date. It’s time to create new employment opportunities for the people especially for the people in unorganized sectors for which no one have a clear picture of the level of un-employment.
- Poverty: “A country is poor because it is poor” Vicious circle. We as a country should work for eradicating the poverty by promoting entrepreneurship, creating ample employment opportunities, improving public distribution system etc. Given a statistics of some percentage of India not having even one full course meal, how can we take this country to the next level?
- Inflation: We all Indians has never felt the heat of inflation as badly as we are facing now a days and on top of it we already have un-employment and poverty as major issue. If the children (who are our future) are not having a nutritious diet then the future is at stake.
- Student’s safety: We treat our tourist with respect because we believe that “athithi devo bhavo” a guest is like a god. But our students and citizens are getting a step brother treatment in other nations. The people there are for study or business and directly/ indirectly adding to India’s bottom line growth. Assault/ ill- treatment to Indians outside, is Assault to India and is an national issue and need to be addressed immediately.
- Go Green: We as a country have grown a lot and still we have inspirations for growth and industrial revolution. We all did this at a cost of something, and that something is nothing but the nature. We need to preserve the environment for the generations and should adopt and promote all the ways and means to “Go Green”.
- Exam fever: Exam fever is taking a toll on students, not able to digest there failure or bear the pressure of exams, suicides are common among the students. There should be some way out to encourage students; counseling by parents, teachers and children welfare organization can help to ease out the examination pressure.
- Deep penetration: Schemes meant for upliftment for poor, needy and targeted audience doesn’t reach to them but the middlemen get benefited, some methodology should be devised, so that the needy should be benefited and should reach/ availed by the targeted audience.
- Natural Calamities: India being agriculture based economy; our attitude and seriousness towards agriculture is a concern, we all have an understanding that excess or deficit of water is devastating but the actions we have taken to address this issue are not sufficient enough.
- Sex ratio: According to the Census of India, 2001, the sex ratio of India stands at 933 which is an marginal improvement from the 1991 Census (927 females for every 1000 males) “Woman Empowerment” should be an important agenda in development efforts
image source: 2010calendar.org
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