Struggle which was and which is; is for reaching to a decent level; a level which is above the existing level (we call it growth), to impart good education and good upbringing to my kids; shape up there carriers and give them the best of amenities and avenues to grow, have a good bank balance and some amenities for myself and my family. I believe except peace and death you can buy everything, virtually everything provided you have enough of money and I am a strong believer of the adage “Money is not everything but before accepting this one should have enough of it”. I have seen people shaping the carriers of there wards only by money. So the extract of the story is money is everything and I’m not able to make money and so I feel worst not over for me.
My bad time started Last year when I was hit by a new monster which I have never heard and though before until he came roaring, he is none other but the recession and my revenue stream (salary) dried up, no no don’t think I was jobless, I voluntarily opted for a salary cut. Some days later a new monster called inflation came up roaring. I was already in a shock and pressure of low margins and on top of this the new monsters ate whatever was left. Day by day the prices of commodities started rising first were grain &pulses, then sugar, than milk and literally nothing is now available cheap, the prices are jacked up by at least twice then what it use to be a year back.
Both monsters, that I have mentioned are getting powerful day by day and I’m running pillar to post to arm myself and to get victory over them. The later one is going to roar more as the oil prices are bound to rise. Come price hike in petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene and my monthly budget will go haywire. I don’t know whether I will get victory on both of them or not, but if I don’t, then my dreams will crash and my children will inherit “struggle” as an ancestral property.
Petrol has a weight of 0.88 per cent, while diesel has a weightage of over two per cent in the Wholesale Price Index, on the basis of which inflation is calculated and if the prices of petrol and diesel rises, inflation is bound to rise. Petrol and diesel prices, which have gone up by 11 per cent and 8.5 per cent respectively, will increase the inflation rate by about 0.3 per cent, while LPG cylinder would add 0.2-0.3 per cent to the rate clubbing all together we can assume an increase of 1% approx in the inflation figures.
I’m worried about my present as I have stopped thinking about the future as future is always uncertain, but looking at the current situation of mine the present also seems uncertain. You will be interested in knowing whom am I.
I’m a common man the alone bread earner of the family,
I’m a poor watchman at the entrance gate of your society.
I’m a working woman with small children and supporting my family
I’m a farmer cultivating land for your meals.
I’m a daily wager shaping your dreams to reality
I’m a widow having children and no source of earning.
I’m retired person, and fully dependent on my small kitty.
I’m a graduate with ambitions but no money to fulfill them.
I’m a common man and feel that worst is not yet over for me.
Struggle has been an inherent part of my life, a silent monster that has always haunted me during my childhood and has also motivated me to strive hard. It has taught me to be strong and face all challenges in life. I don't want my kids to go through the same, I do want them to realize that there are no free lunches in life but still I don't want to expose them to struggle, as I personally believe that there are other ways to teach children to be mature and responsible. I am going to make sure that my children inherit values and security not "Struggle" as an ancestral property.
image source: emtr.com.br
d other name for life is struggle...we sail in the same boat...
ReplyDeletebut m sure this tym wil also pass...
all d best...