I’m more than thankful to god because he has blessed me with a loving mother and wife, some of the wonderful colleagues and some good friends in my life, though I’m not blessed with a real sister, but my cousins were more generous to bridge the gap. I also miss the daughter element but no regrets, if life traversed on the growth path, I would certainly go to the adoption centre to have this element close to me - I cherish and nourish this plan within me!!
“Mother” has touched my life and imparted me with a knowledge of distinguishing the good and odds, she has given a direction to my life, shielded me against all odds, punished me whenever it was required. She laid the foundation of my life and whatever I’m today is all because of her and no matter how big I grow I will be always a kid to her.
Wife being a real friend to me from very initial years; right from my childhood, she always encouraged me whenever I was sad and felt defeated. She is an inspiration and acts as a catalyst to balance to my life.
My friends and colleagues who are always with me in my odds and are inspiration in my hard times. They are the people who are straightforward; share/elaborate my shortcomings and suggest me methodologies to improve on them.
Life would have been miserable without all those lovely women who have touched some or other part of my life
image source: http://cantinygamboa.com
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