I’m a dreamer…!!! A day dreamer….!!! Like to create air castle….!!!
I not only make air castle but I also work hard to give them a reality. On 11th Oct-2010 I aspire to own a house and deadline being 13th Oct which coincidently is my B’day. To decide and zero in for purchasing a house is generally very time consuming and people take months and sometimes years to decide and zero in on something.
But the deadline I have set for myself is 2 working days i.e. 48 hours. Today till 12th Oct at this point of time I haven’t seen any of the houses, direction, locality not have I finalized on the budgets and neither checked the balance of my so called saving account which internally I admit is only the expense account.
I’m staying in the most happening city of
There was one more intuition which supported my decision; that being that the moment I think of settling out here; I will meet with some radical changes. I was bit worried about those changes as intuition didn’t helped me in understanding that whether the changes will in my control or beyond my control. If the changes are beyond my control then I will be in an utter mess; financial obligation will turn me down to rubbles.
I don’t know whether by tomorrow I will be able to zero in on something or not because the deadline is really very short term. But it is sure that I’m looking for some radical changes and I wanted those changes to be in controlled manner.
image source: www.psdeluxe.com
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