Central and state Governments joined hands and left no stone unturned in launching and adhering to the new directive, initiatives were taken to ensure that no child is deprived of his fundamental right. Right from recruiting teachers (both on temporary and permanent basis), offering good pay structure as an incentive for getting posted in rural areas, Mid day meal for students and kids attending the school, freebies etc.
Apart from government schooling machinery, all private institutes were summoned for implementing the new directive. The new directives/ norms and standard stats that; All schools have to prescribe to norms and standards laid out in the Act within 3 years, failing to which they will not be allowed to function. Schools have to apply for recognition, failure to which will attract penalty of Rs 1 lakh and further functioning will be liable for 10,000 INR penalties per day.
It will be also mandatory for private schools to enroll children from weaker sections and disadvantaged communities to the extent of 25% of their enrolment. Selection of group of children will be based on simple random selection and no seats of this 25% quota can be left vacant. Children from weaker and disadvantaged communities have to be treated on par with all the other children in the school.
“Right to education” gives a sort of relief to all the patriotic souls, but on the same time raises eyebrows about the exorbitant fee charged by the private schooling institute. Private schools charge heavily under various heads be it admission fee, imprest money or caution money. I remember my good school and college days, my yearly college fees used to be less than today’s kinder garten monthly fees. I’m not telling a 50 years old story it’s hardly 10 years back proposition. Even though if I add inflationary parameters to it still it will be lower.
I wish and pray to government machinery to device some mechanism to put a upper ceiling in the fee structure. One amazing thing which I came across was a 40,000 INR deposit as caution money in the school. Didn’t get the logic....???? what assets does the school has worth 40,000 which they feel is endangered....???? against which they are looking for a collateral, Hope that this is getting heard and addressed by someone.
Image source: michaeljackson-art.com, exposenewspaper.com, willourworld.com
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