This is one of a situation where in Need, Comfort and Pleasure are priced at same price in the country. Onion, tomato priced at 65 Rupees a kg., petrol priced @ 65 rupees a litre and beer priced @ 65 rupees a bottle. What a situation J .
Since the day government decided to decontrol the prices of petroleum products; Petrol is on fire ….. Since then It has been at least five incidents of marketing companies increasing the prices of petrol. Petrol becomes scapegoat every time the oil marketing companies shout on the losses incurred in selling the petro products. Diesel and other petro products hardly feel the brunt & escape the price hike as the government machinery wanted to tame the inflation.
Petrol prices have already surged, inflation moving at a faster pace, commodities on fire, Shouldn’t the citizen look out for a win-win situation in this case and seek certain relaxation to the common man.
I exactly don’t remember since when, but definitely from several years; every one of us is claiming 800 Rupees as a conveyance allowance. Which means “SARKAR” doesn’t account 800 as a part of salary, as "SARKAR" thinks that this is at least what everyone would be spending every month to reach his/her work place from the place of residence.
Do you think that 800 rupees as a conveyance allowance is sufficient in today’s scenario? Everyone at least spend 1-2 litre on a daily basis in commuting to the workplace, 20-25 working days in a month generates a bill of 1300-1800, this is what we are talking about small cities wherein the workplaces are not that far, but still traffic jams and bad road condition dent the petrol tank and in turn commuter pocket. In big cities the consumption is much higher and beyond speculations
I remember petrol being 20 rupees a litre in early 2000's, at that juncture this allowance was appropriate, but today petrol is tripled from that level, now shouldn’t the conveyance allowance tripled.
The income tax slabs can be also altered based on inflation and other indexes, for every individual there is a specific tax slab and tax liability assuming that the other factors, parameters and things remains constant. But as all the constant factors have changed drastically the tax liabilities for the individuals should come down. Logically Government should not ask for the same tax commitment seeing the high inflations.
Interesting !