I got admission to a college which was not in my home town and so I got enrolled to the college hostel, I was getting out from the comfort of home and was preparing for a big struggle for every other thing. Well the building was not bad, but the environment was not very conducive, no need to mention we didn’t share a good rapport with our immediate seniors. Ragging though was not an issue for me at that point; no complains about that but there were many things “unwritten laws “which we were bound to abide and to some extent were not acceptable to me.
Juniors were supposed to get ready before 6.00 am as after that; senior would be using the washrooms and toilets and they didn’t wanted any fuss in between. My goodness 6.00 a.m. in the morning..!!! is this a time to take a bath? I couldn’t digest it.
Seniors wanted a privilege in the dinning even, they would be the first to have breakfast, lunch and dinners and once they are done we could continue with our course. I don’t think that the meal course was worth this discrimination, I never relish that Food, chapattis used to be over baked, vegetable curry use to be in form of soups; couldn’t understand till my last day whether it was a main course or starter… i.e. to be ate along with chapatti or were to be taken as a soup J
One code of conduct stated that no one should sleep before 12.00 midnight, my goodness a person who is awake before 6.00am, exhausted the entire day in the college, didn’t had a proper meal how can he be agile till 12.00, On top of it we were supposed to be in full formal dress till we go to bed, L….. Fastening all the buttons of shirts, even the collar button…. I hate fastening the collar button for the matter of fact I never even fasten the button below that, neither I like to dress in formals.
That’s not all done with the problem, after ragging seniors generally give treats… a universal face…. with us also the decorum was followed. We use to get 2 cream biscuits, Oh my God…. two biscuits only, that too with cream… L
For juniors Smoking, drinking and consumption of tobacco in any form was strictly prohibited in hostel, now imagine a person having all above good habits getting deprived of his needs and on top of that facing perpetual fuss over the code of conduct… how could one survive?.
Difficult it was to survive with all these restrictions in place, and so I moved ahead, moved to a place where I can wake up and sleep as per my wish, I could have meals according to my taste and answer my genuine and cosmic needs.
Though some of the senior members were very genuine, loving and caring but the set of code of conducts made life miserable. Rest of my batch match continued the hostel life whereas I chose my path of independence,
Image source: modinagar.co.cc
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