I got a mail from Ninjia requesting abruptly for an endorsement. The mail content were as below
“Dear [My name],
I'm sending this to ask you for a brief recommendation of my work that I can include in my profile. If you have any questions, let me know.
Thanks in advance for helping me out”
Compelled with the habit of reading in between the lines (If you have any questions, let me know), I read and understood that the person is open to clarify all doubts, misunderstanding what so ever that may strike to anybody’s mind.
As there was a willingness to answer and a lead to think about the question which I need to put in before writing my comments; a lot of question popped and I started placing each question that came to me one by one.
Can this person create a profile of his own?
Should I endorse this person and if at all, then for what reason?
Has he done any value additions to the bottom line or to the process?
With these questions in mind I thought of looking at the person’s profile. I found that he had a lot of connection and to my utter amazement, he had also an ample collection of recommendations and endorsements, some from his peers and some from biggies he had earlier worked with.
Hummmm….. Good marketing of oneself.
I could not control my curiosity. As I was not able to think anything favorable for that person I thought of going through others recommendations, as to what others has to say regarding that person I read almost all the recommendation and the abstract which I could make out was as below
“Ninjia is a smart guy, he is a very energetic and a dynamic personality. NINJIA is a go getter and always love challenges. NINJIA not only accept challenges but ensures that he always achieve the target. NINJIA is a highly knowledgeable and always help others. NINJIA is a versatile personality. NINJIA is a asset to the company. I wish NINJIA best luck in his future endeavors
Astonished with the feedback of people, I thought that the person must be having a real potential and probably I was not able to spot. My recommendation would have been negating all the earlier recommendation, by replacing all “a” with 'not a' and “always” with ‘never", (Read yourselves the above paragraph with this replacements.) The last line remains the same as I want him to improve and excel
But I thought of not to be so raw and wrote the abstract as my recommendation. I got a thanks mail from the person and one more recommendation got added to his profile making the profile appear more promising and convincing.
The very next day I got a recommendation against my profile, from the same person; writing all favorable things for me. A reversal, probably a reverse engineering as I have done, I decided not to publish those adulations.
Disclaimer: The character/ article are an imagination of the author and any resemblance with any character living or dead, sequence is a sole coincidence. The article doesn’t intended to harm anyone’s reputation and image and never intend the challenge anybody’s potential. Author believe that all people are competent and it’s a matter of chance if one gets an opportunity to showcase his/her talent .
7 lines on Ninjia....lol:) nice one...
ReplyDeleteur effort in recommending Ninjia (wid replacing words) are also appreciable...
A very well written article.. It's quite a good read..