Whenever we come across interviews of big/ successful personalities we find some commonality with all of them. The way they talk, Respond, perspective of looking at the thing, they all have a positive outlook and are confident about there vision and mission. Most of the famous personalities of today have struggled a lot in there past and it only because of there desire to do something great and efforts in that direction had bought success to them. If we start to count such people they are endless right from industrialist, sports personalities, silver screen personalities, politician and what not
On thing that you will agree that on close follow up of the interviews we feel that the interviewed personality is expressing what is hidden inside us and there are a lot of commonality between us as an individual and the interviewee thoughts.
Even I feel the same J and as an individual; am very high on my aspiration and dreams; even didn’t know that will it happen to me (“Mera number kab aayega”) L. I getting interviewed for my achievement and success mantra
Jokes apart but the point is that we all have a success mantra within us, which we need to explore, test and execute. After all “Success consist of doing common things uncommonly well” but most of us define “Success” as “Successes is a matter of luck ask any failure.”
I'm working on my success mantra. Are you too?
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