Being very systematic didn’t help always; there are failures in making others understand the requirement of system, getting into the system, living with the system and adopting system. I want to excel, I wanted to go to next level very immediately. What I’m today; tomorrow I should be better placed than what I am today and the day after tomorrow should be much better than tomorrow. Past to present was good, present to future should be much better if not excellent.
Challenges will be there and so the Dynamism, zing should not be lost in any circumstances. It’s a never ending race with the time and destiny and no matter what is the fate the fight will be on, in-fact it should be on till the last breath. One can’t change the destiny but can strive for a change and control to a larger extend. Have broader mind set, appreciate people for the job they do and prove a stepping stone for each other, so that tomorrow everyone can take a leap.
Zeal for betterment, for a better tomorrow is what differentiates us from the animal otherwise we are just a social animal. Every social animal meets his requirement in one or the other way and what the time has for him in cards. But relying on destiny and giving up the things and excuses of destiny will hamper the growth, Ambitions should be high, spirit should be even higher and that’s what is called a human and that’s the reason humans strives for success.
Every one of us Juggles 5 balls in air namely; work, health, trust, friendship and dreams, only ball which is made of rubber is the work ball, so no excuse to be given in case if the work ball falls down, it being a rubber ball will bounce and we have a chance to catch it next time, but the other balls are made up of glass, once they fell there are chances that they will be never like before. They may suffer irreversible damage, marked, nick or may even shatter. Value has a value only if is valued.
Image source : dreamstime.com
Well thought and written.....