We as a nation boast on robust economic growth but isn’t’ our growth superficial and peripheral or have we achieved an all Inclusive growth
Economic Growth
Wealth of High net worth individuals soared drastically even though we have not fully recovered from the downturn. With economy knocking 8-10% growth rate rich yet got richer but contrary life has not changed much for a big chunk of peoples for whom the struggle for bread& butter is a never ending battle.
Villagers seeking better life; migrate to the cities, adding inorganic element to the growth of cities; in form of slums and load on the resources like potable water, energy, housing, sanitation and transportation. Unavailability of accommodation results in slums wherein many people share the resources, life in such slums is really harrowing and living condition extremely difficult.
Gender equality
Many of the unemployed migrated workers work on pity jobs like construction sites carrying all sorts of head load and with there children play around the site. Nursing mother taking out time in between to feed there babies and such breaks results in lower pay scale as compared to there counterparts males. Moreover women are seen as physically weaker then men and compromises on wages as compared to men.
Socio economic
Gap between rich and poor is widening, we boast on increased number of millionaires on y-o-y basis; implicitly we mean that in increase in number of poor on y-o-y basis. One side we have plush residential complexes with all the amenities and lavishness; also we have people who stay on pavement, huts on the other side, striving to meet there ends meet
Overcrowded cities with denizens having higher disposable income putting a lot of load on infrastructure. Rapidly growing cities attracts lot number of people to participate in the growth story and be a part of growth as a result of which cities are running short of roads, portable water, power and hygiene, demand of power, water is constantly increasing and we are always in deficit to meet the demands.
Conclusions: Looking at this I think that the numbers can be indicators for the external world to show that we are not only alive but are growing; but these numbers do not justify growth in its entirety and are not all inclusive.
Image Source: economic-growth.info
Thats how civilizations and nations have come full circle to point 360. Mybe thats the only way to realize and value the goodness of point 'zero'!