He further added that life is not as smooth as it appears; he left the country, empty handed because of the business losses, though the person was defeated in financial battle but never sounded as a looser, he seems to be charged up, high with positive outlook and a zeal to do things better and bigger.
He later introduced me to his son who studied in East and was working as a computer operator at a local business establishment, His skill set and work profile was something similar which were required in some of my known organization, so I asked him to meet the respective HR the next morning. During the course of interview discussion he appeared very composed and relevant to the requirement and henceforth was offered a job by that organization.
This news appeared as music to my ears; he getting selected and offered a better salary then what he was earning. But the ordeal was about to begin for this poor chap, he being not from well to do family use to come to the office by bicycle, as neither he nor his family have sufficient money to afford a private transport for him and spending on public transport proved to be a wastage of time and money.
Riding a bicycle appeared to be very uncommon. Everybody else were either driving a vehicle or using public transport, His Colleagues started making fun of this poor chap, ignoring his presence and avoided even taking to him; probably they might be having a substandard outlook for his status quo.
He use to dress reasonably well, not unlike his counterpart who use to dress in latest couture, flaunting modern gadgets, mobile phones and vehicles.But to me they appeared hollow;
Hollow individuals having hollow values and hollow ethics!!
Individuals having no respect for the person as human being, dishonor for the poor and needy stature.
Probably every one of his colleague was born with a silver spoon and have never experienced a challenge called life; on the contrary this poor chap had sailed through rough weather and the struggle made him realize the bitter truth of life. Struggle has made him a tough nut to crack and with each passing day he is growing tougher and accepting new challenges of life.
I’m doubly sure that, if any of his colleague steps up in his shoe could not survived with this level of hardships. This guy even works for a part-time steward job in evening hours to earn extra bucks; all this he does is for the betterment of himself and his family and I don’t see any harm in doing that, but his colleagues are just beyond imagination, they tease him for this job.
I was annoyed when I learnt nuisance of his colleagues and felt pity for mental Dexterity of his colleagues who were not behaving in common sense.
I was annoyed when I learnt nuisance of his colleagues and felt pity for mental Dexterity of his colleagues who were not behaving in common sense.
I wish him a very good luck from bottom of my heart.
image source: sevenperfumes.wordpress.com
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