A super performer often proves the rest of the team as under performer or inefficient intentionally or unintentionally where as he enjoys the “blue eyed boy” status. Managers start comparing the performance of the individuals against the super performer as they want other to take inspiration from the super performer. Super performer cashes on the managers attitude and start ill-treating the team members and develop an unimpressive response for the rest of the team.
Actually the super performer becomes a matter or envy for the rest of the team instead of taking it as an inspiration; because we being human; we have the feeling of love, hatred, jealously and we don’t like to be compared with anyone else. Manager comparing individuals with super performers breaks the spirits of the team and they start feeling that they are not getting proper attention and response from there managers.
Super performer carries certain additions, i.e. desire of appreciation, being into limelight and innovation. They constantly look for jobs, roles and opportunities which can bring them into limelight and many times they invade other team members territory depriving them with there job and to extend of losing the job. Organizations on the other hand can’t have innovation on daily basis and come up with jobs which satisfy the desires of super performer; routine jobs which are not having any appreciation are routed to the team by the super performers and thus depriving them from doing any innovative and productive work and thus resulting in conflicts of interest and workload.
There is an equal threat to the organization from super performers and under performer or performer as well. But super performer shines because there are average/good/ bad performers exist in the organization.
Super competence and incompetence both can be dangerous to the organization, but more irreversible damage is caused by super performers as compared to average performers.
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