It’s “The Time”, time for performance review for the last year and everyone is excited over it, There are two kinds of individuals one being the group of people who were contributors and consistently added values to the organization are in an upbeat mood. They being confident that there contribution will be noticed, acknowledged and appreciated and rewards will be there in the cards.
The other group is the group of people who are also equally excited, they were just present on their respective desk for the sake of physical presence, tracking the clock for office hours, entering the office to track clock buzzing the evening bell. This group firmly believes that increment is there birth right and they should be appraised no matter how they are performing, every year they need to have a share of the increments because the term itself is performance appraisal and they think that they have delivered performance which is getting assessed.
Performance appraisal means evaluation or assessing employee contribution towards the organizational goals, how the individuals were aligned with the corporate goals and have they contributed to company’s growth directly or indirectly. Have there been any performance it should be assessed, but what about the other group of people who simply pretended to be busy doing routine job through the year and boast on the outstanding performance and contribution.
Companies who don’t have proper evaluation criteria and career plan for their employees generally end up by giving salary hikes even to the non performer, passing a wrong message to the performers. As practically company is not able to differentiate apple from oranges.
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Both the performer and non performer have right to receive the appraisal for his work as both contributes and works for the betterment of the company only.
ReplyDeleteAt the point, that the performer who contributes and add values to the company has a right to get consideration more than the one who is a non performer I would agree a bit. But before saying that we need to test out that weather the other was given righteousness to do his work or not.
It happens sometimes that the responsible officials are partial to few of the individuals and they assign the essential work to that individual only. The other to whom we say a non performer is not given chance to do that kind of work so by this he remains a non performer only. If they are given chance to work on all that then only they will be able to show their ability.
We should not forget that the company earns name by both of this kind of individuals as both contributes. The performer has right to receive more appraisal but only if the work assigned to him is not biased.
Both Oranges and Apples are good as both have different characteristic. It’s just the point of view that differs
Apple is a apple aided by a recommendation of good health where the hapless citrus Orange only has Vitamins essential for dehydrated body.. One is sliced and the later is peeled.. They are altogether different deeds and way of consumption therefore evaluation would have a difference of taste.. The more that suits you would get on top