Last many months kept me busy with migration of my organizations IT infrastructure from current location to a distinct location. I traversed the whole cycle of plan do check and act many a times, similarly internals, external, economical, political and financials factors traversed a whole cycle globally as well as locally.
Many things prompted me to write but I simple couldn’t afford to do, global finance equation traversed like a sine wave starting from Europe threatening Asia and propagating to US. It calmed down many a times but again reinitiated. Politically lots of things kept the world buzzing, kings were overthrown, and countries joined hands and parted as well. India kept on moving with lot of burning issues 2G, 3G, corruption and what not.
Globally, nationally, politically things are back to square one as if we have not moved a bit even, scenarios are same as they were a few months ago. But personally I learned and experienced a lot of things during the course of migration. Each day proved to be learning experience, Googled the queries, answered lot of challenges, adopted and implemented a lot of good practices whereas discarded older approaches and viewpoints.
As there were a lot of process and approaches which were person oriented, resource intensive and manual were bound to change with new infrastructure in place I encountered a lot of resilience from my colleagues. People are generally rigid and don’t want a change, but as this change was for the betterment of the organization and a bigger picture appeared profitable to the organization, individual interest was to be sacrificed.
As a learning from project management practices, any person, object or entity who has direct or indirect interest with the project becomes the stakeholder in the project. Colleagues who were habitual of certain practices and were working in a comfort zone were reluctant to change and could have adversely deviated or impacted the planned project scope, but as these resistance areas and objects were known I was able to win confidence of major stake holder who was interested in betterment of the systems and practices.
Now as most of the problem areas are solved and implementation is half way through I’m bit relaxed and look forward for a more stable, robust and better future of the organization… Aamin
Image source: www.psdgraphics.com
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