Many a times I come across incidents and carry different opinion but hardly find any takers. This inspired me to write blog, hope you will enjoy reading and will share your views.
Streching the limits

Unlocking the Mentality

Turnkey Project

Looking Ahead

Last many months kept me busy with migration of my organizations IT infrastructure from current location to a distinct location. I traversed the whole cycle of plan do check and act many a times, similarly internals, external, economical, political and financials factors traversed a whole cycle globally as well as locally.
Many things prompted me to write but I simple couldn’t afford to do, global finance equation traversed like a sine wave starting from Europe threatening Asia and propagating to US. It calmed down many a times but again reinitiated. Politically lots of things kept the world buzzing, kings were overthrown, and countries joined hands and parted as well. India kept on moving with lot of burning issues 2G, 3G, corruption and what not.
Globally, nationally, politically things are back to square one as if we have not moved a bit even, scenarios are same as they were a few months ago. But personally I learned and experienced a lot of things during the course of migration. Each day proved to be learning experience, Googled the queries, answered lot of challenges, adopted and implemented a lot of good practices whereas discarded older approaches and viewpoints.
As there were a lot of process and approaches which were person oriented, resource intensive and manual were bound to change with new infrastructure in place I encountered a lot of resilience from my colleagues. People are generally rigid and don’t want a change, but as this change was for the betterment of the organization and a bigger picture appeared profitable to the organization, individual interest was to be sacrificed.
As a learning from project management practices, any person, object or entity who has direct or indirect interest with the project becomes the stakeholder in the project. Colleagues who were habitual of certain practices and were working in a comfort zone were reluctant to change and could have adversely deviated or impacted the planned project scope, but as these resistance areas and objects were known I was able to win confidence of major stake holder who was interested in betterment of the systems and practices.
Now as most of the problem areas are solved and implementation is half way through I’m bit relaxed and look forward for a more stable, robust and better future of the organization… Aamin
Evaluation of Employees
Image source: ouhuashipbuilding.com
Indispensable? Am I ..!!!

Image source: savvysugar.com
Lot to achieve.

Image source: guerillapoetess.blogspot.com
Past to Present

Rukh havao ka jidhar ka hai, udhar ke hum hai!!
Image source: freedownloadscenter.com
The forbidden desires

Wear A Smile :)

Image source: deepinsidemybroomcloset.blogspot.com
Data Not reliable.

Image source: picasaweb.google.com
Chasing dreams on a Jet !!

image source: holtspot.blogspot.com
Dream or reality

Enough is enough…!!

Yes they did it again… They applied the same conventional old formula of matching inflation with interest rates, RBI firing on all cylinders. Since last few months we have seen increase in the benchmark rates every when and then with an objective to tame the inflation. Even after an increase of the benchmark rates ten times in series inflation is far above the comfort level. I’m sure that there might be other ways also to tackle inflation, which probably they are not exploring or didn’t want to explore.
Prices of commodities are on fire; if the commodities prices are to be brought under control then supply has to increased, is it a very difficult equation to understand for the decision makers. We have leaders for issue related to black money and corruption but no leaders for this issue…
I wish and pray that someone takes a lead in drawing a national level attention to this issue. Cost of living has really gone multifold and it going very difficult for common man to make his ends meet. On top of it, if one has financial obligations like housing loan etc. then the situation even worsens. With rising interest rate the obligations and tenure of obligation increases and on the other side the inflation dents the money value of rupee.
How one can adjust to the extra money required to honor the liabilities and support the livings. Rising interest rate will not only leave borrowers bleeding but also will dilute the economical growth in a longer run, defaults are bound to shoot up. A borrower carries some internal projections for the financial liabilities, but with rising interest rates the projections are going haywire
It’s a mere inefficiency of the government to tackle the issue because of which life of common man is getting ruined. Why a common man needs to pay for inefficiency of the government? Plea to the decision makers, help us in leading a better life…!!! Is someone addressing…!!!
Image source: getacoder.com
IIP: Industial Inconsistent Production

Tainted niche

Much obvious that TATA as a brand has touched our life in many ways, and the association of the word TATA is to an extent that we use the word TATA in our formal gesture instead of saying “good bye” or “see you”, interestingly there is no word in English dictionary as TATA which can be synonymically used in place of “good bye” or “see you”. This word found place in our lives as most of truck that we have seen since childhood have TATA written on the boot J
Well having trust in brand name and there products are obvious thing and learning that Tanishq as a brand is endorsed by TATA fundamental I developed faith on it.
Every Indian family have happy occasions to purchase gold so did I, I made few purchases from Tanishq, but my experiences till date are not encouraging me to recommend this brand to anyone.
In the entirety of purchase, use of products, experience and workmanship I’m not at all satisfied with the brand in a wider sense. Though TATA has maintained the quality of base product i.e. gold and also the employees in terms of the behavioral aspect and decorum but failed to come up with products which are good in durability, experience and friendly to consumer pockets.
I tried to find a justification on making charges of different products but the executive were shying away with an excuse of design pattern. Hardly do the they know that all the designs are made on high efficient machines and one can say that there is hardly any waste in cutting and molding the design.
With celebrity endorsing there brands I have observed there making charges jacking up exorbitantly, the store doesn’t shy out in demanding 500 rupees per gram of making charges, now imagine if you buy a product of 10 grams you need to shell out 5000 rupees as making charge which are highly unrealistic tuning to 20-25% of the cost of gold.
I argued with the sales person on justification of the charges but in vain, For simplest of the design they were charging anywhere between 350 to 400 rupees per gram, I would have been better off if I would have chosen a local jeweler who would have given me same 22 carat jewelry at a much cheaper making charges.
Though, the local jeweler doesn’t endorse his product with a certificate of authenticity, but his face value and my relations with him would have been more authentic then a formal certificate. To me Tanishq as a brand really didn’t appealed much and I’m one of the unhappy customers of the products and relations and with a hope that they improve in future
Emotional Atyachar

Nuances of Super Performers

Challenge called life

I was annoyed when I learnt nuisance of his colleagues and felt pity for mental Dexterity of his colleagues who were not behaving in common sense.
Borrower or a Scapegoat?

It’s nothing, except sheer failure of system that the inflation is getting out of control. Though the inflation figures declared by the government doesn’t depict the real time situation; a consumer can give better insight as to what level the cost of living has increased in the recent past.
Like an Embarrassed cat scratching the pillar central bank beating the bush of Repo rate and reverse repo rate. Every time there is a spurt in inflation the only measure central bank finds; is to conveniently increase the benchmark rates thus pushing the borrowers in huffy puffy. I’m sure that except tempering the benchmark rates there might be other ways and means to control the inflation which the governing body should explore.
It has been nine such occasions when the central bank has increased the benchmark rates and on most of such occasions the financial institutions has passed on the hike to there customers.
I’ve came across many such cases wherein persons talking home loan at the start of financial year 2008, today have the same debt liability even after paying the EMI for three full years. Thanks to the increasing lending rate, borrowers are becoming scapegoat and paying the cost of economic growth and inefficiencies of government machinery to tackle inflation.
Image source: moodle.formalta.com
Gold Bubble But made of steel

We need to think; if this would have been a bubble then why the central banks around the world would be buying so much of it.
Image source: www.imageafter.com
Silver smiles with a Golden tooth

I happened to visit a jeweler shop last Monday as I was looking for a semi precious stone, out of curiosity I inquiring about the silver and gold prices and was in a state of shock to leant 64250/kg and 21850/ 10 gram respectively. I knew that silver is going to over shine gold in years to come, but will happen so early was never anticipating.
Today 7 days later (Monday 25th April-2011) purest form of Silver is hovering around 73800 and gold around 22450. Silver has appreciated by 10% whereas gold hardly by 4%. All that will shine is silver
Though I’m not a trader in the precious metal arena but I believe that there are enough sentimental, global and economical factors to give support to the gold and silver prices, and if you ask me will the prices ease up? I will say “BIG NO”.
With the marriage season setting in and “Akshay Tritiya” on 6th may-2011 there are enough reasons for gold and silver to scale up, Hindus believe Akshay tritiya as the most auspicious occasion to buy gold/ silver and usually start purchasing for marriage and other social functions.
Apart from the demand arising due to marriage season, indications of good monsoon will also add fuel to the demand, again pushing the price higher. Till the monsoon gets over there are no factors which can dilute the demand and so the price.
Of course There is some gap between the end of monsoon and next festival season during which the prices can have a set back only if inflation comes under control. But despite of all our measures we are not able to tame the inflation; these precious metals are considered as the best hedge against inflation and therefore prices will not come down till the point inflation is beyond our control.
Once Diwali season sets in no factor can downcast the prices and rising demand will further fuel the prices, looking at the overall scenario I think silver will touch 1 lac /Kg and gold to 25000/10 gm by the year end.
So if you are investor and having interest to buy; buy it now, before the rally reaches to the point of reversal.
Image source : preciousmetalshop.com
Love is Blind

Image source: http://www.dzynsunlimited.com/
Rich banks poor borrower

High interest rate regime is giving sleepless nights to the borrower; Loans getting expensive day by day be it home, auto, personal or corporate loan. The cost of capital has increased enormously and within past 12-15 months the rates has been adjusted at least 5 times by the cash-credit monitoring body.
Well the moment loans gets costlier the deposit rates also increases benefiting the depositors specially peoples who are depended on income of interest. But my apprehension is with the way interest income is treated under tax bracket. Tax on the interest is treated as per the depositors’ tax slabs and in turn the depositor gets merely 2-3% higher returns as compared to saving bank accounts.
A person, who is not employed in any of the government machinery, is practically making his living by his own efforts, as per my opinion he should be totally exempted from income tax, because the government system is not facilitating him in earning his livelihood, and all the infrastructure and service which one uses being a citizen, are getting taxed directly or indirectly. Whatever little one saves becomes the scapegoat of income tax and he is left with practically petty returns. If I’m asked to reform “Taxes on Interest” I would certainly give a waiver/exemption on deposits which are equal to annual income of the depositor as generally people have more liabilities in terms of loans and expenses as compared to deposits they have parked with the banks.
Rising interest rate somewhat balances of inflows and outflows of interest component but still there persists a gap between the amount parked as FDR’s and the loan outstanding, on top of it one is liable for the income tax on interest earned from the Deposits which further dents the balancing.
Financial institutes offering long term loan have practically discontinued fixed interest loan as they are not very sure about the cost of capital in the longer run and that’s the reason the only option the borrower is left is “Floating rate interest” which means that rate will be driven by cash-credit equation. Borrower taking a long term commitment is always in a double whammy; one side his cost of borrowing shoots up with rising interest rate and on the other side the deposit rates doesn’t adjusts to the increased deposit rates.
I’m not sure that whether the financial institutes provides floating rate deposits or not, but in normal case if one needs to avail the increased rates he needs to discontinue with the earlier deposit and initiate a newer one, But here the financial institutes play foul, they charge depositors with an penalty for this switchover . The monetary value of penalty reduces the effective ROI of the deposits and generally depositors hesitate for switchovers.
The decision makers of cash- credit policy should work towards abridging the gap and evolve a win-win situation for the depositors and financial institute. Is someone paying ear to this..!!!? Hope that it is getting heard by the decision makers…!!!
Image source: loancentral.com
Memoirs of my Revolution