In my previous article “Copenhagen before and after” I have mentioned the perks Government will be taking in the immediate future to promote non conventional energy.
Today only I came across news in business standard stating that
Government will give 50 Paisa as incentive for a unit of electricity generated by wind power producers for 4-10 years, this sop will be given under the government's generation-based incentive (GBI) for grid interactive wind power project.As per the GBI scheme, incentive will be provided to wind power producers at 50 paise per unit of electricity fed into the grid for a period not less than four years and the maximum of 10 years.
In India the installed capacity of wind energy project is approximately 10000 MW and India is ranked 5th in terms of installed wind power capacity. There is still huge potential and far away from exhausted. According to Indian Wind Energy Association The unexploited resource availability has the potential to sustain the growth of wind energy sector in India in the years to come. During the financial Year 2008-2009 around 1465 MW has been added to the total Indian wind power. (Figures are rounded off)
India has a lot to do in terms of projecting the growth of non conventional energy and allowing entrepreneurs to set up wind power projects. On the other hand our neighbor, China has more than tripled its target for wind power capacity to 100 giga watts by 2020, likely making it the world's fastest growing market for wind energy technology.
The other problem entrepreneurs like me feel is about financing of the projects. I have a project report ready with me for a power project (non conventional) but not able to find a venture capitalist to fund the project. Any power project requires high power (money power) as an input to yield real power (electricity) & Profits. After the slowdown not a single VC’s have ventured in this sort of project because of the obvious reason “high investment”.
But I’m sure that I will be able to find a VC for my project as government is already working with lot of sops in terms of tax holiday’s, lower interest rate loans and fixing the tariff. These initiatives will open new avenues to VC’S and dreamer like me
Today only I came across news in business standard stating that
Government will give 50 Paisa as incentive for a unit of electricity generated by wind power producers for 4-10 years, this sop will be given under the government's generation-based incentive (GBI) for grid interactive wind power project.As per the GBI scheme, incentive will be provided to wind power producers at 50 paise per unit of electricity fed into the grid for a period not less than four years and the maximum of 10 years.
In India the installed capacity of wind energy project is approximately 10000 MW and India is ranked 5th in terms of installed wind power capacity. There is still huge potential and far away from exhausted. According to Indian Wind Energy Association The unexploited resource availability has the potential to sustain the growth of wind energy sector in India in the years to come. During the financial Year 2008-2009 around 1465 MW has been added to the total Indian wind power. (Figures are rounded off)
India has a lot to do in terms of projecting the growth of non conventional energy and allowing entrepreneurs to set up wind power projects. On the other hand our neighbor, China has more than tripled its target for wind power capacity to 100 giga watts by 2020, likely making it the world's fastest growing market for wind energy technology.
The other problem entrepreneurs like me feel is about financing of the projects. I have a project report ready with me for a power project (non conventional) but not able to find a venture capitalist to fund the project. Any power project requires high power (money power) as an input to yield real power (electricity) & Profits. After the slowdown not a single VC’s have ventured in this sort of project because of the obvious reason “high investment”.
But I’m sure that I will be able to find a VC for my project as government is already working with lot of sops in terms of tax holiday’s, lower interest rate loans and fixing the tariff. These initiatives will open new avenues to VC’S and dreamer like me
Wind, not the sails determine the way we go..."
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