I attended a workshop on “Focus Variation and achieving Multiple Attentions”. The workshop was a 3 day affair; focusing 2 hours daily and that too after the office hours. Prima-facie it appeared to be a difficult proposition …. Workshop…. Aghast…That too after working hours…and that too on Concentration, I could not imagine; carrying myself in the best way during the session.
We started with Meditation for initial few minutes and then-after we use to work on with the agenda designated for the day. The most interesting part of the workshop was the exercise that we did on the last day of the workshop; we did a concentration exercise to test our reflexes response, and I liked it the most.
The extract of the workshop which I understood and realized is that; Meditation and concentration helps to regain the inner energy which is more of spiritual, Remember the Commercial advertisement (Andar se strong bano).Controlled breathing and having control over breathing is essential and once we are able to have control over our breathing we can prudently respond to the adverse situation (Read Start responding)
Life has gone too much of mechanical and the human element seem to be missing. Most of us are confined to our kiosk; spend the entire day sitting in front of the devices, long and lonely traveling and very few hours to spend socially or for being with the family/ in the family.
Image source : spiritandflesh.com
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