Active listening

Every good conversation starts with good listening. The skill which can be only developed and it is not the skill by birth is the Listening skill. Active listening is the most neglected skill in corporate communication by the leaders and if they developed this skill then they can improve interpersonal relationship with co workers and can add to the professional image of the person

Active listening helps to increase knowledge and one’s ability to absorb new information faster and retain it longer. It also improves marketing skill and negotiation abilities which are very necessary for the improvement of business.
It also increases one’s ability to communicate the things because good listeners are effective communicators also.

Poor listeners always lose opportunities to show their hidden talents to the world. Many failure and problems in business and personal lives are due to poor listening. Poor listening may ruin one’s career and relationships.

Good leader must be a good listener. Effective leaders and managers who carefully listen to their employees are sure about professional success. The big difference between hearing and listening is: hearing is related to the physical occurrence. Hearing doesn’t require any efforts or skill. But listening is a learned skill. Listening is hearing with a purpose.

Listening is a highly dynamic process, which requires a lot of careful attention and concentration. Careful listening is an essential factor to take wise decisions. When one listens effectively one can understand the information by analyzing and interpreting it. Hence listening with full attention makes understand the subject properly and gives a complete understanding of what the speaker means. Undoubtedly one won’t become a good speaker unless he is a good listener.

Listening is hard work that requires determination and energy. It is challenging activity. Effective listeners can look for positive purpose to their listening. If one is a good listener, then there will be benefits that strengthen personal relations.

Listening is a strong interpersonal skill which increases communicative competence. Good listener acknowledges the speakers message with great respect and honor.

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  1. Hi Vidhyadhar,

    This is a nice post with some really useful advice ~ I enjoyed the read.

    I have recently come across a model on active listening & it seems to align to some of your key points:

    Active Listening Model

  2. Hi Vidhyaji,

    Very well said. You keep on writing wonderful post. Thax for sharing this with us. Keep on blogging.


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