Walk when you talk.

Recently came across with a T.V advertisement popularizing a concept “Walk when you talk”, though I didn’t understood the concept fully but whatever I could understand that they wanted to say that people should walk when they are talking on the phone because of some hidden health benefits.

There is already an enough hue and cry for the health hazards related to usage of mobile phones. Now the debatable question is that whether one should walk when he is talking on the phone.

My opinion would be to do nothing when one is talking on the phone the few justification to my opinion are

1) If you have a pen in your hand you will scribble the paper lying in front of you, the paper might prove something very important when you hand up.
2) If you are walking while talking you may jump a signal and encounter some accident. I came across news when a doctor attending a call from patient was crossing railway tracks and was knocked down by the speeding train.
3) If you are moving restless and talking on phone you might enter a wrong loo.

These are just some incidents which I came across personally, but I believe that there is not thumb rule of doing things while attending the call.